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About  Wren

Wren is more than a website, or a shop of note cards, or a collection of photographs, or various writings of nature observations and contemplations.


Wren is an opportunity for us to connect -- for me to share what I have seen, and to encourage you to look more closely at the intricacies in nature that are all around you. 




The name "Wren" for my photography/writing business was born when I was trying to come up with a name and my friend asked what was my favorite bird, and why.

That was easy: Wrens.  Wrens sing over 100 songs. Wrens make unique nests out of anything and everything. No two nests are alike.

That's kind of how my husband and I make our home, and how we raised our kids.  It is how I was raised as my mom took me and my brother on nature walks at our cabin in southern Ohio, walking down the foot-worn path to White Oak Creek. I had time to see and be, to imagine and create, and to explore nature.

The path since that time has been varied. There were 10 years working in public relations in Atlanta and France.  Marriage and children brought 13 years when I stayed home with our kids, sharing with them my love of nature and taking them on several hikes with my husband, Jay.  Those years were followed by more than a decade as a second grade teacher, where again I incorporated the wonders of nature. 


Along the way, I picked up my camera, trying to capture glimpses of the various paths on which I found myself. While in a hard season a decade ago, I walked the same route every day, camera in hand, seeking to see God in the details and find solace in my steps. What started as a daily habit set me on my current path of photographing the nature, the people, the stories, the intricacies…the often-unseen elements on the paths to which I’m drawn but are really just a part of everyday life.  Finally, I slowed down again and saw what had been there all along. Just like I used to do.

The photographs you see, the cards or photographs you purchase, and the writings you read (whether in my Saturday email "A Closer Look," or in my book, or through the occasional blog), are all part of the ongoing journey.

Thank you for stopping by.  Enjoy your walk, friends.



Copyright 2024 | Susanne Swing Thompson | Wren | United States of America

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